Federal Ministry of Communications & Digital Economy
Role: Honourable Minister (2019 – 2023)
Responsible for the overall supervision and coordination of the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy as well as its Parastatals. Also saddled with the following responsibilities:
- Chairman National Council on Digital Economy and e-Governance
- Chairman, Presidential Steering Committee on Integrated Payroll and
Personal Information System (IPPIS), Government Integrated Financial
and Management Information Systems (GIFMIS) and Treasury Single
Account (TSA) Systems’ review. - Chairman, Presidential Committee on Excise Duty for the Digital
Economy Sector - Chairman, National Frequency Management Council
- Chairman, Nigerian National Broadband Council
- Chairman, Universal Service Provision Fund Board
- Chairman, Postal Sector Reform Steering Committee
- Chairman, National Addressing Committee
- Chairman, Multi-Stakeholders Committee on the Implementation of National Economic Council (NEC) Decision and Conclusion on the Harmonization of Right of Way (RoW) charges and Implementation Strategies
- Member, Governing Board of the National Space Research and
Development Agency (NASRDA) - National Policy Formulation for the Digital Economy Sector and Supervising Minister of:
i. Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC)
ii. National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA)
iii. National Identity Management Commission (NIMC)
iv. Galaxy Backbone Ltd.
v. Nigeria Communication Satellite Limited (NIGCOMSAT)
vi. Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) - Co-Chairman, National e-Health Steering Committee
- Chairman, Diamond, Innovation, Change Sub-Committee, of the Presidential Committee on Nigeria’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration.
- Chairman, Presidential Steering Committee for the Nigeria Digital Identity for Development Ecosystem Project.
- Chairman, National Council on Communications and Digital Economy
(NCCDE) 2019 – To Date - Member, Presidential Steering Committee for implementation of the Midterm National Economic Development Plan
- Chairman World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2022
- Vice Chairman – 1, African Telecommunication Union Plenipotentiary
Conference 2022. - Chairman, West Africa Telecommunications Regulators Assembly (WATRA). 2021 – To Date
- Council Member, International Telecommunication Union (ITU). 2019 – To Date
- Council Member, Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO). 2021 – To Date
- Leader, Mobile World Congress for Nigeria 2020 – To date
- Leader, Nigeria Delegation to Gulf Information Technology Exhibition (GITEX). 2019 – To Date
Some selected achievements since assumption of office as the Honourable Minister of Communications & Digital Economy These include:
- Unprecedented ICT sector contribution of 18.44% to the total real
GDP in Q2 2022 - Unprecedented 17.92% highest ever contribution to the country’s GDP by the ICT Sector in the 2nd Quarter of 2021. Having also accomplished increased in the growth rate of the ICT sector to 14.70% in the 4th Quarter of 2020 making it the best performing sector of the economy that contributed to Nigeria’s exit from recession. This is 4 times more than the Agriculture Sector which came next with a growth rate of 3.42
- Signed Artemis Accord on behalf of Nigeria becoming the First African
country to do so for strategic cooperation between U.S. and African
space agencies to advance space exploration and address issues on
Earth such as climate change & global food crisis December 2022. - Led the team to SpaceX and became the first ever in Africa to attract
StarLink to provide satellite broadband for all. - Redesignation of the Ministry to the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy to further expand its mandate to capture the goals of digitalisation of Nigeria for sustainable growth.
- The laying of solid foundation for security enhancement in the country by successful validation of improperly registered 9.2 million SIM Cards that were found to be improperly registered in September 2019.
- Supervised the completion and commissioning of the National Shared
Services Center by His Excellency, President Muhammadu Buhari.
December 2022. - MoU signing with the Government of The Arab Republic of Egypt
through their Ministry of Communications and Information Technology,
to enhance and strengthen bilateral cooperation in the fields of Digital
Economy, communications, and information technology. - Redesignation of the Ministry to the Federal Ministry of
Communications and Digital Economy to further expand its mandate to
capture the goals of digitalisation of Nigeria for sustainable growth. - Successfully Chaired the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS)
Forum 2022 and received letter of commendation from the ITU
Secretary General in June 2022. - MoU signing and launching the implementation of trans-Sahara fibre
optics covering 7 countries From Nigeria to Algeria through Niger
Republic, Mauritania, Mali, & Chad. - The laying of solid foundation for security enhancement in the country
by successful validation of improperly registered 9.2 million SIM Cards
that were found to be improperly registered in September 2019. - Completion and launching of the Emergency Communication Centres
(ECC) all over the country for the first time. 24 Centres are functional as
at October 2021. - The increase of broadband penetration to over 45% indicating 10%
increase in growth per year from the previous 1.7% growth per year. - Developed and secured approval of the Federal Executive Council for the
National Policy on Fifth Generation (5G) Networks for Nigeria’s Digital
Economy. - Successfully supervised the auctioning of the 5G spectrum and its
subsequent release by the National Frequency Management Council
(NFMC). - The successful transformation and restructuring of NIPOST for effective
service delivery. Two companies were established: Properties and
Development company and Logistics and Transport company. - Anchored and secured Federal Executive Council’s approval for the
Nigeria Startup Bill to harness the potential of the digital economy
through co-created regulations. - Establishment of 1667 ICT Centres in Nigeria through the intervention of
Parastatals supervised by the Minister of Communications and Digital
Economy - Secured the approval and supervised the distribution of 6000 epads to
Nigerian institutions to promote virtual teaching, learning and other
scholarly activities. - Secured a partnership with Microsoft to train 5 million Nigerians in ICT related and Emerging Technology Courses.
- Secured a partnership with HUAWEI that attracted free training for over
30,000 Nigerians and promoted the establishment of 300 HUAWEI ICT
Academies in Nigeria. MoU Signed on: 20th December 2021. - Secured a partnership with KOICA that attracted a total grant aid of USD
13 Million for the Federal Government to support the Project for
Building Foundation towards Digital Governance in Nigeria in the 2nd
Phase of the eGovernment Project for Nigeria by KOICA. MoU Signed on:
5th August 2021. - The successful hosting of successive e-Nigeria International Conference,
Exhibition and Awards. For the third consecutive time (24th November
2016, 7th November, 2017, 5th November, 2018 & 28th November, 2019),
the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal
Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR, was in
attendance and declared the event open. - The successful development and subsequent unveiling of the National
Digital Economy Policy and Strategy by Mr President, during the
Opening Ceremony of e-Nigeria International Conference, Exhibition and
Awards. - Successful development of the National Broadband Plan (2020-2025)
and subsequent inauguration of a Presidential Committee tasked with
the mandate of crafting a new plan that will facilitate the attainment of
70% Broadband penetration by 2025. - Secured approval for implementation of the National Information and
Communication Technology Infrastructure Backbone (NICTIB-2) Project
which commenced in 2021. - Secured approval for the deployment of SimBox and Unmasking
Regulatory Systems to promote Cybersecurity and increase revenue
generation. - Led the Nigerian Delegation to Gulf Information Technology Exhibition
(GITEX), World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE 6th – 10th October 2019 and
presented papers as well as participated in panel discussions. Also, the
first time in the history of Nigeria’s participation at GITEX, a Nigerian
Start-up, Chiniki-Guard, won the first prize of $10,000 in the AI category. - Successful increase in the number of Nigerians with digital identity by
over 400 percent (400%) monthly since January 2021 and automation of
the registration processes which led to the enrollment of over 30 million
Nigerians into the National Identity Database within 12 months
increasing number of enrolled citizens to over 71 million. - Secured approval for the implementation of tokenization solution for
National Identification Number (NIN) to promote data privacy and
protect the personal information of citizens. - Successful downward review and compliance of Right of Way (RoW)
Levy by State Governments to N145 per linear meter to promote
broadband penetration. (2019) - Successful development of a National Policy that led to the
establishment and management of the First National Centre for
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics. (2021) - Secured Federal Executive Council approval for the construction of the
National Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre, Abuja to drive
NDEPS implementation and objects of the National Digital Innovation &
Entrepreneurship Policy. (2021) - Secured Federal Executive Council approval for the construction of the
National ICT Park, Abuja to drive NDEPS implementation. (2021)
Federal University of Technology, Minna (FUT Minna)
Role: Visiting Professor of Cybersecurity (2022 – To Date)
Federal University of Technology, Owerri
Role: Professor of Cybersecurity (2021 – To Date)
Course Coordinator:
- CYB 201 – Fundamentals of Cybersecurity I
- CYB 202 – Fundamentals of Cybersecurity II
Other Activities
- Research & Mentorship
- Supervision of Postgraduate (PhD) Students
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Role: Champion – Cohort 7, Abuja (2018 – 2021)
- Led the team in Research, Innovation, and Development
- Set-up the mechanism for replicating a practical industry environment suitable
for developing technology and innovations for achieving an indigenous digital
economy. - Established the National Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre
(NDI&EC). - Provided opportunities for engagement with MIT in an evidence-based,
practical approach to strengthen innovation-driven entrepreneurial (IDE)
ecosystems in Nigeria.
National Information Technology Development Agency, Abuja - Nigeria
Role: Director General/CEO (Sep 2016 – Aug 2019)
Responsible for the overall supervision and coordination and implementation of the mandates of the Agency as provided in the NITDA Act 2007. Some selected achievements recorded during the period include:
- The Agency refocused its effort on providing better regulation by activating its IT Clearance House status. The regular surveillance activity captured over 300 projects and a total of 800 MDAs and other government establishments, along with 105 Higher Educational Institutions to ensure compliance. Over 16 Billion Naira was saved in compliance with the process.
- Unprecedented increase in the patronage of locally assembled devices. Records have shown that in 2015, Indigenous Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) sold 98,224 devices in 2015, 154,424 in 2016 and 355,647 in 2017.
- Significant Local Content Policy Enforcement on the N-Power Social Investment Scheme of the Federal Government that led to the patronage of
indigenous OEMs to the tune of 10.5 billion Naira in 3 months. - The Agency’s efforts attracted the establishment of AfriOne as an Indigenous
IT company and an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) in 2017. - Increased ICT contribution to GDP from 12.43% to 13.63% in the second Quarter of 2018 (in real terms).
- Strengthen IT penetration in the country, ICT policies have been developed for the following states: Abia, Bayelsa, Benue, Ebonyi, Enugu, Katsina, Kebbi, Kogi, Niger, Oyo, Osun, Plateau, Sokoto and Yobe.
- Over 300 projects were executed around the country. The projects include several Digital Job Creation Centers, Digital Capacity Building Centres, eLearning facilities, Campus Wide Area Networks for tertiary institutions and Virtual Libraries to ensure digital inclusion.
- Enhanced Research and Development through the provision of the NITDEF Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme by introducing ICT Law and including Lecturers from Tertiary Institutions as beneficiaries of the PhD Scholarship Programme. Also fostered strategic alliance with select public and private universities for in-country programmes.
- Hundreds of youths have been trained for in various ICT areas and entrepreneurship for self-employment. This programme coupled with the Agency’s programmes such as StartUp Nigeria, StartUp Friday and StartUp Clinic has created several jobs in the country.
- Increased cyber security campaign and awareness to mitigate and avoid the risk of huge damage and loss of data in the wake of the rampant WannaCry attack.
- Increased hosting of significant Government data in the country by several Government Agencies in Galaxy e.g. Budget Information Management System (BIMS), NPOWER portal, FIRS Integrated Tax Administration Systems (ITAS) to local content policy enforcement.
- Published Several Academic Research Articles and Books to contribute to knowledge in ICT development and growth of the IT sector
International Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia
Role: Ass. Professor & HoD Technical Writing (Jan 2014 – Aug 2016)
Courses taught:
- CPCS 351- Software Engineering
- CPIS 352- Systems Application, Analysis & Design
- CPIS 260– Operations Research
- CPIS 220– Principles of Information Systems
- CPIT 221– Technical Writing
- CPIS 232- Principles of Marketing
- CPIS 220 Laboratory Practical (2 hours weekly)
- CPCS 351 Laboratory Work (2 hours weekly).
Other Activities:
- Moderator and Member of the Committee for Accreditation and Quality Assurance at the Islamic University of Madinah.
- Acting Moderator and Member, of the Committee for Staff Training & Development at the Islamic University of Madinah.
- Member of Information Technology Committee at the Islamic University of Madinah.
- Supervision of Students’ Reports & Project
- Invigilation & Research.
- Software Designer and Developer at the university.
Abubakar Tafawa-Balewa University (ATBU), Bauchi – Nigeria
Role: Lecturer I (2013 – 2014)
- Post-Graduate Courses Taught: MSc Students:
- MIT 612 – Computer Systems & Networks
- MIT644 – Analysis & Design of Information System
- MIT641 – Computing Environment (Business).
- Undergraduate Courses taught:
- BIT 323- Database Management Systems
- BIT 343- Business Software & DSMS
- Supervising Postgraduate Students’ Theses (MSc/MIT/MBA)
- Supervision of Undergraduate Students
- Invigilation & Research
Role: Lecturer II (2010 – 2013)
- Courses Taught: MSc Students:
- BIT 524 – Fundamentals of Software Engineering
- BIT 514 – System Analysis and Design
- BIT 313 – Visual Programming and Development
- Project Supervision
- Research
- Postgraduate studies
Role: Asst. Lecturer (2007 – 2010)
- Courses Taught: MSc Students:
- BIT524 – Fundamentals of Software Engineering
- BIT 514 – System Analysis and Design
- BIT 522 – Global Information Systems
- BIT 313 – Visual Programming and Development
- BIT 323 – Business Software & DSS
- BIT 522- Global Information Systems
- BIT 222- Management Information System.
- Project Supervision
- Registration officer
- IT officer
- Examination Officer
- Acting Head of Department (Overseer).
Role: Graduate Assistant (2004 – 2007)
- Courses Taught: MSc Students:
- BIT223 – Multimedia Concept
- BIT222 – Management Information Systems
- BIT211 – Computer Hardware
- BIT212 – Computer Software
- Assistant Examination Officer
Role: Programmer (2003 – 2004)
Responsibilities/Technical Skills acquired & taught:
- Software: Network protocols; Routing protocols;
- Programming: Java; C++; C; Pascal;
- Hardware: Routers and Switches; Firewalls;
- Hardware maintenance
- Networking: LAN; WAN; WLAN
- Tools: MS Office;
- Tutorial for students: Internet; Java; hardware
- EvalTools
- SPSS and Nvivo